Kamera Tersembunyi

Selasa, 23 April 2013

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Arien Kurniawan. H
NPM  : 21210064
Kelas  : 3 EB 20

    Hello my name is arien kurniawan, I was a student in grade 3 Gunadarma university accounting. Gunadarma university I learned about accounting and other subjects. in college I had a lot of knowledge and experience that I can learn for my future later. knowledge that can be utilized to find a job when graduating college later. Many things that I could at university Gunadarma, many sad experiences and fun with friends. I went to college on a motorbike. I really like riding a bike anywhere. before leaving for college I usually help their parents clean the house first in order to ease the burden of parents.

      I reside in cibitung, in my house there are 4 people consisting of mother, father, sister and myself. My sister was 14 years old and I was 20 we were just 2 brothers. I work as a self-employed father and housewife mother only.

       Modifying my hobby, especially modifying motorcycles. modification to me something that is unique and fun to change what we want, especially on my favorite bike, for me it's for my own satisfaction. I am very happy, but behind it there is a drawback that makes my wallet drained to meet my favorite is the modification of the motor and now I finally banning it would be my hobby, now I am guided to focus on efforts to complete the study in the field of accounting faculty at the university Gunadarma. Now I realize I should be an adult should not impose it's will be my hobby.